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Pace yourself...Make a plan

So I have been thinking of how I want to get healthier and stuff. I wanted to become a runner but I know over time it is terrible for your legs (so I've heard and somewhat experienced). And I kind of don't like running anyways lol. But I have tried I have done a 5K the color run. Which was a blast but I didn't run it but it is a start. I have to pace myself. 

So I need to make a plan and stick to it. So I am telling you all my goal :) they say if you tell someone you are more likely to stick to it. On my mission I gained a bit of weight that doesn't put me in the most healthy range but it isn't terrible just isn't where I'd like to be health wise. So my goal is to be in a healthy range. I have a gym membership but being a mother of two doesn't always mean you get to go all the time. So my plan for the gym is going at least once a week when my husband is off. When my life settles down a bit. (For those who don't know my son has been in and out of the hospital this month) And the other days I have a pilates video that I will do that I enjoy. 

I will also take extra measures at doing a bit more for example I'll take the stairs instead of the elevator. They all add up and will help in the end. I used to do 5 push ups every night before bed because I used to get made fun of because I could barely do 5! Each week I would add 5 more eventually I was able to do a lot but then I stopped and I should start that up again.

So if anyone wants to join me in my own challenge of doing 5 push ups every night that would be great. I'd also love to hear about it too if you do :) I am going to start tonight because why not! And continue it through the month of August and we shall see the results. 

I will keep you posted on my progress :) so I am going to keep a measurement of my biceps and will see if I can see a difference maybe not but that is what I am going to do once a week every Friday. 

Bicep measurement day one: 32.5cm


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