Sorry it has been a little while since I posted. I have meant to get on here a lot sooner to post all of my stuff for my Europe Trip. I had such a blast on my trip. I have forever been changed! I am working on my next adventure to Europe I will go again next year don't know when or where yet. I will do a post for each area I went to so I will have 4 posts. So for only a few days was I actually good at writing in a journal in Europe besides pictures. So I will share those tidbits and some other things from London. Day 1&2 I'm sitting in my swat on the plane heading to Chicago. We haven't left quite yet but I'm sitting here fidgeting and bouncing my leg. I have a window seat, there are two windows for me to look out at and all I see is everything cold and wet. Not to concerning weather but enough to give a slight delay. I'm sitting next to a lady and sometimes when you look at someone you wonder what kind of life the live. She is dressed in black with multi...
On February 1st I decided I would take a trip to Europe! I was sitting at work at H&R Block and talking with a coworker and just randomly decided that I would go visit a friend in Spain. As time went on I didn't know if it would be possible but I was determined. I decided I would go donate plasma to help earn money. I donated once and it was an interesting experience. The following week on Feb 9 I got a letter from them telling me I couldn't donate plasma anymore because I got a false positive for a test, so they couldn't trust my blood. I was super bummed about it, but I was still determined. I was constantly looking at flights and playing around with dates, departure cities, and arriving cities. On February 11 I found a great flight to Paris on April 24 and coming back on May 25, so round trip for only 420$! For that price I can fly to my family in GA round trip! So I pulled the money together that day and I bought it! I just made a life long dream a reality. ...