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Showing posts from November, 2015

Post Surgery

So I didn't post a pre surgery but I'll at least do a post surgery. On Friday this week it will have been a month since I donated my kidney to my stepson, Austin. I can't believe it has only been a month. Austin is doing great! On Tuesday he got his staples out and is doing better than ever. He is happier than I've ever seen him and it is fantastic! His incision is looking good so far.So here is some news on his progress since surgery. He used to be fed through his J-port but now he is being fed through his G which is straight to his stomach. He is starting to taste food more. We found he likes salty better than sweet. Since the staples are out we are going to start putting him on his stomach so he can learn to crawl. :) We can't wait until he can start going on his own. He is also starting to say different sounds he has a new one and it is the letter "B". It is just great to see him progress when before he really couldn't. Here is what it looks li...


Holidays a time usually spent with family and friends.  I've got to say I am a bit nervous about the Holidays. Nothing bad just trying to figure out how we can combine what my family did while I was growing up and adding Cody's family stuff too. For Thanksgiving I think we've got it figured out. Since my family is back in GA and just going through surgery for Austin and I we aren't going. Next year we will hopefully go for Thanksgiving or Christmas. But for Cody's big family Thanksgiving dinner I've made my moms sweet potato casserole, homemade pumpkin pie and my pecan pie. But nonetheless it will be interesting spending the Holidays with my new family. I've got to say I don't think I ever realized how much work goes into doing the Holidays lol. I am just glad I am not doing the Turkey that just seems daunting. One day I'll do it but not anytime soon. I can cook simple things, I'm still learning how to cook meals constantly for my family a...